Main goal: the use and advancement of AI in the field of medical data analysis, diagnosis, and predictive medicine. Developing and enhancing one's own AI.
Additionally, we plan to incorporate:
1) A predictive medicine, potentially using AI technology;
2) AI automation for treatment plans, using CRM information as well as open-source documents;
3) Telemedicine as a dedicated micro-service with its own API (All other medical CRM system can use it by subscription);
4) Insurance;
Current Status
Online-lekarz - EMR/EHR/TELEMEDICINE. Online-lekarz is a professional medical program that includes patient exams, patient treatment plans, client profiles, insurance automatization with the ability to view visits, appointments, treatment plans, and scans.
1) Denis - CEO
2) Andrei - Senior Java engineer. Java, React. 8 years of experience in backend development, 2 year front end;
3) Mark - Senior front end engineer. React, Next.JS. 9 years of experience in Front-end development;
4) Victor - Middle front end engineer. React, Next.JS. 3 years of experience in Front-end development;
5) Yuri - Senior Dev ops Engineer. 12 Years of infrastructure maintenance experience. Amazon cloud, Google cloud
6) Elena - Manual QA with 2 years of experience
7) Viktoria - project manager with 3 years of experience
Total staff
Senior Java developer
Senior Dev-ops engineer
Senior front-end developer
Project manager
Lead sales manager
Sales manager
Sales manager
Sales manager
Sales manager
Online support manager
Online support manager
SEO/context manager/marketing
QA engineer
SMM manager
Online lekarz - EMR/EHR/TELEMEDICINE for doctors, small and big clinics, government clinics, dentistry.
Problem or Opportunity
Why we picked this idea to work on? Do we have domain expertise in this area? How do we know people need what we're making?
2025-2028 worldwide digital medicine solution market value is 2 trillion $ Data: Zdrav expert IDC consulting (USA)
Our domain expertise includes the use of keywords.
How do we know people need what we're making?
We have received 800+ companies for mother EMR/EHR along with positive feedback.
Solution (product or service)
Our goal: to make professional medical software with:
a) Telemedicine as a micro service using API;
b) Predictive medicine using AI;
c) Patient dashboard (cabinet) with AI
d) Poland market insurance automatization;
e) Poland market listing integrations;
f) Poland market listing directory;
g) Poland market payment system;
h) Government medical system integration.