Photo - Thor Energy

Thor Energy


Poland, Mazovia
Market: Power Engineering
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 29.02.2024
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We are building the first energy-extracting machine Thor, a brand new alternative way to get unlimited and cheap electricity.
Today, the whole world is keenly interested in large quantities of cheap, environmentally friendly electricity. Implementing the proposed project will save humanity from most other problems: environmental, energy, climate, raw materials, food, military, etc.

Current Status

The idea went through all stages of development and confirmation in 23 years. We are ready for the full implementation of the project, for 100% launch.


Financial justification for the high efficiency of Thor-1 EEM operation, data for 2023

Simple calculations:

In 2023, more than 30,000 TWh (terawatt-hours) of electricity were produced worldwide.

One Thor-1 EEM generates 400 billion kWh (kilowatt-hours) per year.

We will need 75 Thor-1 EEMs to produce 30,000 TWh of electricity and meet the overall global demand.

The global average price of 1 kWh is at least $0.15.

The total cost of produced electricity in 2023 is more than 4.5 trillion USD.

The construction cost of one Thor-1 EEM is 0.5* billion USD.

The construction cost of 75 Thor-1 EEMs will be 37.5 billion USD.

75 Thor-1 EEMs, with a total cost of 37.5 billion USD, will produce electricity worth 4.5 trillion USD in a year.

So, the expenses for producing 75 Thor-1 EEMs amount to 37.5 billion USD, and the total revenue after sales will be 4.5 trillion USD.

Taking into account the costs of transporting and maintaining electricity, which on average constitute 50% of revenue, we obtain 2.25 trillion USD in operational profit after sales.

In other words, costs amount to 37.5 billion USD, operational profit amounts to 2.25 trillion USD.

Operational profit exceeds costs by 60 times.

Or, the net profit for the first year of operating 75 Thor-1 EEMs will be 2.2125 trillion USD.

This is only for the first year of operating 75 Thor-1 EEMs. Each subsequent year will bring significantly higher profits.

The economic efficiency of the widespread implementation of Thor EEM is indisputable.

Transport, food, environmental, and many other efficiencies of the widespread implementation of Thor EEM are indisputable.

The civilizational strategic efficiency of the widespread implementation of Thor EEM is indisputable.

Resisting the arrival of the future is foolish and unpromising.

It is necessary to embrace the future confidently, openly, and easily.

Pioneers will maximize profits in everything!

* — the cost of constructing one Thor-1/L12 EEM (generating 400 billion kWh per year, with a project nominal electrical power of a single unit at 48,000 MW), using main elements with a limited operational lifespan of 12 years, is 0.1 billion USD. In this case, the annual operational profit obtained is 300 times higher than the construction costs. The total cost of constructing 75 Thor-1/L12 EEMs will be 7.5 billion USD.

Problem or Opportunity

The introduction of Thor EEM will bring very cheap electricity to every home and enable a technological breakthrough in food production. The cost of electricity for the population will decrease many tens of times, and for the industry—more than 100 times. Clean ecology and a healthy lifestyle can become a reality!

Solution (product or service)

This opening represents a principally new vision and description of current energy-exchanging processes in the biosphere of the Earth. As a result, a new method of extracting electricity, unknown to modern science, becomes possible. The calculated cost of receiving and transporting electrical power to consumers will be more than a hundred times lower than that of the currently existing one. The amount is unlimited and renewable. The Thor Energy Extraction Machine was invented due to discovering a new method of sourcing electrical power. In general, it is constructed of the elements known to science and is an applied and logical completion of scientific discovery. According to preliminary calculations and a series of experiments, the minimum power of the first Thor EEM will be 24,000 MW. An increase in power by a factor of 10 or more is a purely technical solution and does not represent engineering and scientific complexity. Building the first model will take 3 years and involve insignificant financial and technical expenditures. The complete scientific and production cycle, including comprehensive research, approbation, etc., will take about 6 years. Afterward, industrial production of the Thor EEM will be possible. The payback of all expenditures and making a profit will start at the building and launching stage of the Thor EEM, mainly as a result of the sale of share in the company and its production license.


Advantages or differentiators

The operating principle of the Thor Energy Extraction Machine will be used to develop a new type of aircraft, allowing, for example, to reduce the flight time in space by hundreds of times. Today, the use of combustible fuel for launching space objects is extremely short-sighted and strategically erroneous. Engineering capabilities will expand human activities in space and open up the possibility of discovering new planets as energy donors. Moreover, humanity will have a chance to create conditions (physical, chemical, biological, climatic, etc.) suitable for human life on selected planets, and the ability to speed up or slow down the natural speed or time of the planet's existence by adapting them to human habits.


We can:

1. Manufacture and sell a complete Thor EEM.

2. Sell the license to manufacture the Thor EEM.

3. Manufacture and install the Thor EEM, selling the generated electricity to the consumer.

4. Sell shares of the Company during the construction phase of the Thor EEM.

5. Attract additional investment through various market means during the construction phase of the Thor EEM.

That allows you to fully return the initially invested funds of the Investor at the earliest stages.

Business model

We can:

1. Manufacture and sell a complete Thor EEM.

2. Sell the license to manufacture the Thor EEM.

3. Manufacture and install the Thor EEM, selling the generated electricity to the consumer.

4. Sell shares of the Company during the construction phase of the Thor EEM.

5. Attract additional investment through various market means during the construction phase of the Thor EEM.

That allows you to fully return the initially invested funds of the Investor at the earliest stages.

Money will be spent on

The launch involves adding to the team and starting construction of the prototype.
Preliminary plan* for the implementation of the project for the construction and implementation of the Thor Energy Extraction Machine (Thor EEM)

The estimated timeframe for creating a functional Prototype with a project nominal electrical power of no less than 24,000 MW and an annual output of not less than 200 billion kWh, is three years.

Over the next three years.
The construction and mass production of the Thor-1 EEM facility are planned, with a project nominal electrical power of a single unit at 48,000 MW and an annual output of no less than 400 billion kWh. The subsequent planned production capacity is 12 units of Thor-1 EEM per year (at the project nominal electrical power of one power block 48,000 MW).

The construction and serial production of the Thor-1/L12 EEM installation are planned, with a project nominal electrical power of 48,000 MW and an annual output of at least 400 billion kWh, using main elements with a limited operational lifespan of 12 years. The use of main elements with a limited operational lifespan significantly reduces the total construction cost—by 5 times.

* — The Full Project Implementation Plan includes subsections:

1. Administrative

2. Technical

3. Scientific

4. Investment and Financial

5. Marketing Promotion

6. Staff Recruitment

7. Security Provision

8. International Regulation

We will provide information on this upon additional request.

Offer for investor

— Our startup is at the earliest and most preferable stage for investors. After the construction of the first operational prototype, which we plan to build in the coming years, investors will be lining up to acquire shares in our company. At that point, the minimum capitalization for 1% of the company's shares will be $10 billion. Consider if you will have the opportunity to make such a lucrative acquisition? Currently, purchasing the same portion will cost 100 or more times less. This is where the foresight of True Investors lies – to see the potential at the earliest stage.

— In 10–20 years, all the electricity on the planet will be produced using our technology. And this is just a part of the income. The use of the technology in space will bring even more significant profits. The overall capitalization of the Thor Energy company will increase by 100 times or more over the next 10 years compared to today.



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