Photo - Centrum Ewolucji i Rozwoju converted into RECENTRO

Centrum Ewolucji i Rozwoju converted into RECENTRO

Health prevention system

Poland, Warmia and Mazury
Market: Medicine
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 17.08.2020
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We are going to prepare global interactive video course on the health prevention methods and therapies. We see niche on the market in terms of proper health prophylaxis. We are going to prepare translations into main global languages. The substantive scope of the course is ready and as it is based on many years of previous practices, we are sure that this product is an expected good by most people around the world. In this education course we are going to comprehensively present health dependancies both from classical and natural medicine as well as from current technological state of art.

Current Status

Author has already almost 10 years of health related education, experience and practices. Local website has been implemented, we have conducted thematical conferences around Poland. We have prepared Natural Medicine Compendium which includes almost 200 pages of pure practical knowledge. We have collected and prepared many related wellness products.


Our market is global. Once the core materials will be prepared we will run crowdfunding campaign to promote it and collect inititial orders from customers. We wish to find customers in following segments:

Teenagers from 17 - 22
Adults from 23-65

Existing online services give large possibilities to host videos / grant access / care for privacy and anti-fraud. By the assumption that our product will be accessible online, customers will have easy availability to it from theirs' various tools: computers, tablet, mobile phones, etc. anytime they want it.

Problem or Opportunity

Staying healthy is one of the most undeveloped format of humanity evolution. While access to many goods is today realtively easy, personal health is still neglected. This problem comes from the fact that people around the globe are not properly educated and awared about health prevention necessarity. What you do today to maintain you health - those you will feel as enhancement tommorow. Also current medicine system has serious restrictions as doctors have been tought more about healing the effects through pharmaceuticals rather than eliminating the causes of particular illness. We focus on this causes and we will deliver complex package of knowledge and products that would make people stronger. Customers are likely to pay for it as health is a primary human need - everybody prefers to stay strong than weak.

Solution (product or service)

Our interactive video course will contain all the information you need to practice a healthy lifestyle. We will cover in explanation and presentation many aspects of optimal nutrition, therapies, regeneration methods, trainings, everything what may positively influence on great comfort and superb feeling. Customers will have access to a free demos of the product, after checking which they will be able to purchase a paid subscription entitling them to view all the materials collected on the streaming service. Our customer care team will be there to answer customers question straight away as well as to support them in case of any difficulties and additional orders, etc.


Unfortunately we have to compete against current national medicine systems which influence on the customers in many ways (free service). Apart of that we cannot see any other competition that we should take into account as nobody are so prepared and experienced as we are.

Advantages or differentiators

Our aim is to deliver the most comprehensive global health empowering environment. We are set to merge everything what can enhance your wisdom, feelings and well being. We are the real answer to uprising movement of searching for alternatives to big pharma products, mental health issues, etc.
We have reasearched and tested on many methods and therapies that is why we will guarantee safety of those which will be proposed for client. We have got developed really unique products and services, as well as we are based on groundbreaking knowledge.


Revenue streams:
- subscription to the course
- sales of products
- sales of services
- advertisement within videos

Avarage price of subscription will be around $100
Prices of products from $1,5 - $3000
Prices of services from $10 - $2000

After professional crowdfunding campaign and extensive global promotion we expect in avarage 700000 new clients per year.

Business model

E-commerce online based on:

- video streaming service
- media pre-presentation services: youtube, vimeo, instagram, facebook, others
- online store for products
- communication software for direct customer care and services to clients
- metrics and statistics software
- promotion software

We may also try existing distribution chanells through pay per view services like Netflix.

Money will be spent on

Creation of related materials
Translation and lecturers
Global crowdfunding campaign promotion
Promotion and cooperatives

Offer for investor

We can sale shares in the company to secure investment and negotiate attractive investment repayment terms. Responsible company is Renovum Sp. z o.o. based in Poland.

Team or Management


As we are based online there is always technological risks included related mainly to privacy and data safety as well as maintaining the stability of the network and servers. The main assets of the company will be prepared educational materials so certainly there is need to keep them in safe storage so just in case if online services will go off we can still offer them as courses on DVD / other media.

Obviously there is risk of lack of interest or satisfaction amongst customers however we feel that our strive for best quality, modern attitude for communication, breaking news and skilful promotion would eliminate it.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Already prepared pilot test page:
Already published wellness and well-being guidance / natural medicine
vademcuum in polish language (almost 200 pages of pure knowledge).
Already prepared products which are ready to deliver on larger scale.
Already prepared unique services which could be automatised.
Already prepared advertisement media and marketing strategy.
Already invested in domain:
Already supported many customers with various health issues.
We face upcoming trends:
We have created and tried without any promotion following crowdfunding campaing:

Won the competition and other awards

Many gratitude from current customers.


Ownership of the website:
Copyrights to the book and digital content
Patents to related products


Photo 1 - Health prevention system
Photo 2 - Health prevention system
Photo 3 - Health prevention system
Photo 4 - Health prevention system
Photo 5 - Health prevention system

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