Introducing fruits and vegetables which are not available in Poland from other parts of the world to Poland
Current Status
My project is in the state of idea but I have seen some potential for my idea in the market, as I am observing everyday market and products and people requirements
The main advantage for this project is health consciousness in people and everyone looking for fresh things and variety, for my products all age group customers could attract
Problem or Opportunity
One way its a problems for consumers who have to go big hypermarkets even if they have to buy just a fruit or vegetable and look all around to find the required products, moreover I have seen there are few varieties of fruits and vegetables from some particular parts which are not at all available in the market for which customers are looking for.
Solution (product or service)
Some fruits like mango, custard apple, are few more products which are not available in the market and by this project we will import this variety to fulfill customers requirements.
Except hypermarkets we don't have any competition for this kind of concept in Poland till yet
Advantages or differentiators
Providing handy products in a specific way and detailed information about the products which educate customers to buy what they need and looking for
Business model
Small retail stores in prime residential locations